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Lester McKeever, Jr, CPA, J.D.

February 14, 2022

Meet Lester McKeever, Jr., J.D., the 61st Black CPA in the U.S. McKeever was born and raised in Chicago, and went on to make history when he was appointed chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.

  • Resources

Catch up with the OSCPA's committees

February 10, 2022

The OSCPA has 17 committees dedicated to advancing various areas of the accounting profession. Explore what each committee is working on and consider joining the ones that speak to you.

  • OSCPA News

Member Moment: A CPA love story

February 10, 2022

Meet the CPA newlyweds who found love in the accounting classroom and said their vows following a proposal delivered via Excel sheet.

  • OSCPA News

Reflecting on Black history in the CPA profession

February 10, 2022

Last year marked the centennial of the first Black CPA in the U.S. Discover the stories of other trailblazing Black CPAs and explore ways to help build a better and more diverse future for the CPA profession.

  • General News

Commemorating 100 years of Black CPAs and looking forward

February 03, 2022

Discover the story of the U.S.' first Black CPA and how honoring the past, celebrating the progress and building toward the future can bring greater diversity, equity and inclusion to the CPA profession.

  • Resources

Diverse faculty attracts diverse students

February 03, 2022

Learn about the impact the first Black CPA Ph.D.s had on attracting generations of future Black CPAs and how diversity in the classroom can continue to change the profession for the better.

  • Resources

Early Black-owned CPA firms spurred diversity efforts

February 03, 2022

Learn about the Black CPA professionals who have overcome adversity and had success building Black-owned CPA firms.

  • Resources

John W. Cromwell Jr., CPA

February 03, 2022

Meet John W. Cromwell Jr., the United States' first Black CPA. Cromwell's incredible perseverance allowed him to open a new door that many Black CPAs would enter through in the coming decades.

OSCPA coat drive surpasses goal

February 03, 2022

In December 2021, the OSCPA launched its annual virtual coat drive. Our members responded with enthusiasm and raised enough money to help keep 240 Oklahomans warm this winter.

  • OSCPA News

AICPA comments on recent IRS statement: More can be done

January 31, 2022

On January 27, the IRS announced its intention to stop some notices to taxpayers as they increase resources to process backlogged files. 

  • General News

Taxpayer Advocate Coalition releases statement on IRS actions offering limited taxpayer relief

January 31, 2022

The Tax Professionals United for Taxpayer Relief Coalition have released a statement in response to recent actions by the IRS to suspend “some notices to taxpayers” for the upcoming tax filing season.

  • General News

Members on the Move: Making partner

January 27, 2022

Four OSCPA members are reaching new heights in their careers at the start of 2022. Find out which of your fellow members are now partners at HoganTaylor LLP.

  • OSCPA News
  • Member Spotlights

Members share tips to stay balanced

January 27, 2022

Discover the OSCPA's work-life balance resources and find out how your peers organize their life and work responsibilities.

  • OSCPA News

OSCPA January member experiences

January 27, 2022

The OSCPA and its members started 2022 off strong. Learn more about the CPE and committee events enjoyed by our members this month.

  • OSCPA News

Stay abreast on potential changes to like-kind exchanges

January 27, 2022

New limits are under consideration by Congress, which may mean changes on the horizon. The OSCPA can provide you with opportunities to stay informed.

  • OSCPA News

Balancing the art of feedback

January 24, 2022

Feedback that’s delivered well but instigates no change is as useless as too little, too late feedback.

  • Career Center

Strengthen Your Communication Skills for Ongoing Success

January 24, 2022

People who are good communicators have more opportunities, no matter what role or industry they work in. To become a better communicator, try to incorporate these tips.

  • Career Center

Member Moment with Mike Crawford, CPA

January 20, 2022

When life and work as a CPA got tough, Mike Crawford, CPA, turned up the music. Now retired, Crawford shares his love of rock music with his rapidly growing Facebook group.

  • OSCPA News

OSCPA legislative update

January 20, 2022

OSCPA President and CEO Blaine Peterson, CPA, J.D., delivers the commitments and primary goals planned for the OSCPA's advocacy efforts during Oklahoma's 2022 legislative session.

  • OSCPA News
  • Legislative Update

Tackling tax with Ron Roberson, CPA

January 20, 2022

Last week, the OSCPA's virtual Two-Day Federal Tax Update gave more than 100 members the information they need to enter tax season with confidence.

  • OSCPA News