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Can a password app make your life easier and increase security?

January 26, 2023

In the field of cybersecurity, most things we do to increase security have an equally significant “opposite” effect on productivity. Simply put, they make your life harder. 

  • OSCPA News

Members on the Move: January 2023

January 26, 2023

Our members are constantly on the move, making an impact on the CPA profession. Join us in congratulating eight OSCPA members who were recently promoted. Don't forget to share your recent accomplishments by sending them to

  • OSCPA News
  • Member Spotlights

2023 Tax Inflation Adjustments

January 19, 2023

The numbers are in! The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently released the 2023 key amounts for those items that are routinely adjusted for inflation.

  • OSCPA News

OSCPA Happenings: January 2023

January 19, 2023

Catch up on what you may have missed from the highly anticipated Two-Day Federal Tax Update and self-help focused Lunch + Learn intended to help members refine their 2023 mission statements'!

  • OSCPA News

Getting balanced in 2023

January 12, 2023

“So much to do – so little time.”  If CPAs had a coat of arms, this would likely be our motto. Our schedules seem to perpetually revolve around one deadline or another. 

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  • Wire
  • CPAFocus

Farewell, Patty!

December 29, 2022

The OSCPA wishes past Chief Operating Officer (COO) Patty Hurley a happy retirement as she concludes her long and successful career with the Society.

  • OSCPA News

Learning to Tame the Cloud Sprawl Beast

December 29, 2022

If you are like most people, you have likely had your share of frustrating experiences with logging into multiple cloud applications that don't talk to each other.

  • General News

Members on the Move

December 29, 2022

Our members are constantly on the move, making an impact on the CPA profession and reaching their professional goals. Join us in congratulating you professional peers on heir latest achievements this month.

Celebrating the career of Randy Ross, CPA

December 22, 2022

Randy Ross, CPA, retired from his role as executive director with the Oklahoma Accountancy Board (OAB) in December 2022.

Key Metrics Businesses Need to Watch Pre-Recession

December 22, 2022

Most economists say we should prepare for the possibility of a recession. Here are some of the key metrics business owners should watch.

  • General News

Times Have Changed...Has Your Insurance Kept Up?

December 22, 2022

As a CPA, you likely spend most of your time working to meet your clients’ needs, and may not spend time evaluating your own insurance needs.

6 Ways CPAs Can Strengthen the Financial Outlook for Nonprofits

December 15, 2022

Financial oversight is a key responsibility of nonprofit boards, but many members lack the understanding of finance or nonprofit accounting to effectively perform this duty.

  • General News

Oklahoma Tax Institute recap

December 08, 2022

The OSCPA's annual Past Chairman's Council Dinner and Oklahoma Tax Institute provided members plenty of time to network and engage with fellow members last week. Catch up on all of the festivities in our recap.

  • OSCPA News

Top Cybersecurity Threats of 2023

December 08, 2022

Over the next decade, businesses will face increasingly sophisticated threats like deep fakes and AI attacks. Businesses can undertake cybersecurity best practices to batten the hatches and secure the company.

  • General News

What is the Marginal Well Credit?

December 01, 2022

Section 45I of the Internal Revenue Code allows domestic producers of crude oil and natural gas a nonrefundable federal income tax credit during times of low prices.

  • OSCPA News

Financial planning during times of inflation

November 17, 2022

The United States has experienced significant inflation for the past two years. Inflation rates are determined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) in our country. Often you will hear individuals claim they “don’t know what inflation is but do feel it when it happens.”

  • OSCPA News

An Online Accounting Service that does it all

November 10, 2022

An online accounting software that manages your finances, automates business workflows and helps you work collectively across departments.

  • General News

Sales and Use Tax for oil and gas producers in Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas

November 10, 2022

This article provides an overview of sales tax laws applicable to drilling, completion and operation of oil and gas wells in Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas. Together, these states account for approximately 50% of the oil and 40% of the gas produced in the U.S.

  • OSCPA News

OSCPA Summits in full swing

November 03, 2022

The OSCPA recently hosted two of its Summits, focusing on topics affecting niche areas of the accounting profession. Check out what was covered at these events below and find out how you can still access the event sessions. 

Policy Change: Switch Fee for In-Person Events

November 03, 2022

In order to help with our planning efforts, registrants who transfer from the in-person to virtual option within two weeks of an event will now incur a switch fee.

  • OSCPA News