Not-For-Profit Organizations: QuickBooks 2024
3.00 Credits
Member Price $129
Non-Member Price $169
Not-for-profit organizations always need volunteers as treasurers or members of the financial oversight committee! CPAs are often asked to fulfill these roles. This course highlights the accounting needs of such organizations. QuickBooks 2023 Desktop will be used to demonstrate how its tools provide more efficient and effective financial management for your not-for-profit entity. This course is geared toward hands-on, or future hands-on, treasurers of service clubs and similar organizations.
- QuickBooks Desktop
- Chart of Accounts and Setup
- Routine operations including receiving donations and membership dues along with expenses and reporting
- Reporting
- Governance policies and budgeting
Designed For
CPAs, and financial and managerial professionals.
- Illustrate, using Quickbooks 2023 Desktop, the types of transactions usual for not-for-profit membership and service organizations
- Discuss the need for governance policies and budgeting in a not-for-profit membership and service organization
Leader Bios
Bobbe Barnes, AICPA
Bobbe Barnes is an educator and consultant with many years of professional experience in IFRS, US GAAP, and certification training around the world. She recently completed nine years overseas working in emerging economies, where she led the team that developed the Certified International Professional Accounting certificate program, comprising training courses and examinations. Bobbe has worked in many countries and regions including the USA, Africa, Central & Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Mongolia, Russia, Ukraine, Middle East, and Far East including China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and South Korea. Bobbe is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), a Certified Management Accountant (CMA), and a Certified Government Financial Manager (CGFM). In addition, she is active in the Institute of Management Accountants, having served on the Board of Directors and the standing Committee on Ethics.
Just recently she was a keynote speaker at the International Accounting and Auditing Conference in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, and a speaker at the fifth annual Middle East IFRS and Accounting Summit in Dubai, where she also conducted a full day workshop on Financial Instruments.
Non-Member Price $169
Member Price $129