OSCPA Members at the Capitol
March 07, 2024
Empowering Members to Navigate Advocacy Efforts
In a dynamic and interactive event, OSCPA hosted a Special Legislative Lunch + Learn, providing members with indispensable insights into the intricate world of legislative engagement. The session kicked off with an expert panel guiding attendees on the dos and don'ts of connecting with legislators, offering valuable advice on building effective relationships for impactful advocacy.
Members eagerly participated in a lively Q&A session, seeking clarity on best practices and gaining a deeper understanding of the legislative landscape. Armed with newfound knowledge, the OSCPA community then rallied at the state Capitol, where they united forces to deliver the OSCPA's Annual Legislative Tax Guides. This hands-on approach allowed members to put the insights gleaned from the panel into immediate action.
The Capitol visit became a collaborative effort, showcasing the strength of the OSCPA community as members engaged with legislators, discussed pertinent issues, and strategically advocated for the accounting profession. The event not only equipped members with the tools to navigate legislative waters but also demonstrated the collective impact of informed and empowered professionals actively shaping the future of the industry. The OSCPA's commitment to fostering a proactive and engaged community was vividly exemplified in this Special Legislative Lunch + Learn, where knowledge turned into advocacy action on the grounds of the state Capitol.