CPE Catalog & Events
Surgent's Financial Reporting Update for Tax Practitioners
Available Until
8.00 Credits
Member Price: $159
Recent standard setting and consulting activities at the FASB Proposed updates to income tax accounting and financial statement disclosures Tax basis financial statements Recently issued Statements on Auditing Standards and other audit-related hot topics
Surgent's Financial Reporting Update for Tax Practitioners
Available Until
8.00 Credits
Member Price: $199
Recent standard setting and consulting activities at the FASB Proposed updates to income tax accounting and financial statement disclosures Tax basis financial statements Recently issued Statements on Auditing Standards and other audit-related hot topics
Surgent's Firm Quality Control Standards and Best Practices
Available Until
1.00 Credits
Member Price: $49
The major requirements of QC Section 10, A Firm’s System of Quality Control Elements of an effective system of quality control Considerations for sole practitioners and smaller firms when implementing QC Section 10 Guidance in implementing an effective firm-wide system of quality control across its six components
Surgent's Food, Beverage, and Entertainment Expensing
Available Until
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $89
Special rules for 2021 and 2022 allow 100% deductibility for meals IRS rules relating to the nondeductibility of activities considered entertainment or amusement What constitutes entertainment for tax purposes? When are meals deductible and at what rate once the special rules applicable to 2021 and 2022 no longer apply When employers may deduct food and beverages provided to employees Special rules for per diem meal payments for 2021 and 2022
Surgent's Form 1040 Return Review Boot Camp for New and Experienced Reviewers
Available Until
8.00 Credits
Member Price: $159
Review an error-prone "staff-prepared" Form 1040 from client-provided information. Were do you start? Get to know your client and ask the questions Several new reporting issues for the reviewer to consider, including new and enhanced clean energy credits under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) What are common errors preparers make and what are the areas generating malpractice claims? The importance of engagement letters, questionnaires, and §7216 permission statement Initial administrative groundwork Identifying organizing issues in the tax return to be reviewed Avoiding “willful blindness”; handling ethical and moral dilemmas Efficient review of certain advanced issues for income, adjustments, deductions, and credits Effective procedures for delinquent clients, filing past-due tax returns First-time client issues requiring extra scrutiny Multiple checklists of efficient procedures to identify potential issues on a 1040 return Listing of schedules for staff to prepare to make a review easier, including basis issues for 1040 clients Reconciling time pressure with thoroughness and quality control Professionals acting professionally
Surgent's Form 1040 Return Review Boot Camp for New and Experienced Reviewers
Available Until
8.00 Credits
Member Price: $199
Review an error-prone "staff-prepared" Form 1040 from client-provided information. Were do you start? Get to know your client and ask the questions Several new reporting issues for the reviewer to consider, including new and enhanced clean energy credits under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) What are common errors preparers make and what are the areas generating malpractice claims? The importance of engagement letters, questionnaires, and §7216 permission statement Initial administrative groundwork Identifying organizing issues in the tax return to be reviewed Avoiding “willful blindness”; handling ethical and moral dilemmas Efficient review of certain advanced issues for income, adjustments, deductions, and credits Effective procedures for delinquent clients, filing past-due tax returns First-time client issues requiring extra scrutiny Multiple checklists of efficient procedures to identify potential issues on a 1040 return Listing of schedules for staff to prepare to make a review easier, including basis issues for 1040 clients Reconciling time pressure with thoroughness and quality control Professionals acting professionally
Surgent's Form 1065 Boot Camp: Step-by-Step Preparation with Completed Forms
Available Until
8.00 Credits
Member Price: $199
Coverage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 Gain a thorough understanding of federal income tax laws for partnerships and LLCs, from formation to tax return preparation issues Schedules K-2 and K-3 reporting requirements Who files Form 1065, and who does not file Form 1065 Tax Basis Capital Account Reporting Requirements Trade or Business income and expenses versus Separately Stated Items The importance of Schedule M-1 Partnership distributions -- current or liquidating, cash or property How to allocate recourse and nonrecourse debt Self-employment tax issues; court cases and trends in tax audits of earnings subject to self-employment taxes Complete coverage of any new legislation enacted before presentation Section 163(j) limitations Mastering two common tax forms, Depreciation (4562) and Sale of Assets (4797) Final regulations on Section 168(k) Partnership reporting oddities Accurately preparing partnership returns and reconciling book income to taxable income The Centralized Audit Regime under the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015
Surgent's Form 1065 Boot Camp: Step-by-Step Preparation with Completed Forms
Available Until
8.00 Credits
Member Price: $159
Comprehensive coverage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 Gain a thorough understanding of federal income tax laws for partnerships and LLCs, from formation to tax return preparation issues Filing requirements for Schedules K-2 and K-3 Who files Form 1065, and who does not file Form 1065 Tax Basis Capital Account Reporting Requirements Trade or Business income and expenses versus Separately Stated Items The importance of Schedule M-1 Partnership distributions -- current or liquidating, cash or property How to allocate recourse and nonrecourse debt Self-employment tax issues; court cases and trends in tax audits of earnings subject to self-employment taxes Complete coverage of any new legislation enacted before presentation Section 163(j) limitations Mastering two common tax forms, Depreciation (4562) and Sale of Assets (4797) Final regulations on Section 168(k) Partnership reporting oddities Accurately preparing partnership returns and reconciling book income to taxable income The Centralized Audit Regime under the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015
Surgent's Forms 1120-S and 1065 Return Review Boot Camp for New and Experienced Reviewers
Available Until
8.00 Credits
Member Price: $159
Reviews of portions of error-prone “staff-prepared” Forms 1120-S and 1065 from client-provided information What are common errors preparers make and what are the areas generating malpractice claims? Initial administrative groundwork The importance of Schedule M-1 Reporting requirements and filing exceptions for Schedules K-2 and K-3 Don’t fall prey to reporting oddities When can seemingly separately stated Schedule K items actually be trade or business items to report on Forms 1120-S or 1065, page 1? Form 1120-S – What exactly is terminating S elections today? How do I recognize a second class of stock? Maintaining shareholder basis schedules; beware of final IRS regulations regarding “open debt”; the default method of calculating basis versus the election under §1367; can an S corporation distribute earnings and profits from C corporation years? Form 1065 – Why use §704(b) to maintain capital accounts; §704(c) regulations for preventing the shifting of tax consequences among partners or members; allocating recourse, nonrecourse, and qualified nonrecourse debt; a review of §754 step-up in basis rules Multiple checklists of efficient procedures to identify potential issues on an 1120-S or 1065 tax return
Surgent's Forms 1120-S and 1065 Return Review Boot Camp for New and Experienced Reviewers
Available Until
8.00 Credits
Member Price: $199
Reviews of portions of error-prone “staff-prepared” Forms 1120-S and 1065 from client-provided information What are common errors preparers make and what are the areas generating malpractice claims? Initial administrative groundwork The importance of Schedule M-1 Reporting requirements and filing exceptions for Schedules K-2 and K-3 Don’t fall prey to reporting oddities When can seemingly separately stated Schedule K items actually be trade or business items to report on Forms 1120-S or 1065, page 1? Form 1120-S – What exactly is terminating S elections today? How do I recognize a second class of stock? Maintaining shareholder basis schedules; beware of final IRS regulations regarding “open debt”; the default method of calculating basis versus the election under §1367; can an S corporation distribute earnings and profits from C corporation years? Form 1065 – Why use §704(b) to maintain capital accounts; §704(c) regulations for preventing the shifting of tax consequences among partners or members; allocating recourse, nonrecourse, and qualified nonrecourse debt; a review of §754 step-up in basis rules Multiple checklists of efficient procedures to identify potential issues on an 1120-S or 1065 tax return
Surgent's Four Tiers of Loss Limitations: A Guide to the Rules for Pass-Through Entities
Available Until
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $79
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 Tier 1: Basis limitations for S corporation shareholders and partners Tier 2: Section 465 at-risk limitations for S corporation shareholders and partners, including the impact of debt, indemnities, guarantees, and shareholder/partner agreements Tier 3: Section 469 passive loss limitations and exceptions to the limitations Tier 4: The excess business loss limitation of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (new §461(l)), American Rescue Plan Act, and Inflation Reduction Act
Surgent's Four Tiers of Loss Limitations: A Guide to the Rules for Pass-Through Entities
Available Until
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $129
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 Tier 1: Basis limitations for S corporation shareholders and partners Tier 2: Section 465 at-risk limitations for S corporation shareholders and partners, including the impact of debt, indemnities, guarantees, and shareholder/partner agreements Tier 3: Section 469 passive loss limitations and exceptions to the limitations Tier 4: The excess business loss limitation of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (new §461(l)), American Rescue Plan Act, and Inflation Reduction Act
Surgent's Fraud 101: Understanding Basic Fraud Schemes
Available Until
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $89
Common embezzlement schemes Common financial statement fraud schemes Commonly missed red flags
Surgent's Fraud Basics: Protecting the Company Till
Available Until
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $79
The price of fraud – ACFE’s Report to the Nations and ancillary costs The current economy – microeconomics and analysis COSO internal control framework, particularly Principle 1 (integrity/ethics) and Principle 8 (fraud risk assessments) Power of morale – shrinking the fraud triangle and employee motivation Why good folks go bad – interesting findings and red flags
Surgent's Fraud Basics: Protecting the Company Till
Available Until
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $129
The price of fraud – ACFE’s Report to the Nations and ancillary costs The current economy – microeconomics and analysis COSO internal control framework, particularly Principle 1 (integrity/ethics) and Principle 8 (fraud risk assessments) Power of morale – shrinking the fraud triangle and employee motivation Why good folks go bad – interesting findings and red flags
Surgent's Fraud Case Studies: Schemes and Controls
Available Until
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $79
Recent fraud cases Common fraud schemes perpetrated by those within and outside victim organizations Consider the lessons learned Best practices to further our fraud prevention
Surgent's Fraud Case Studies: Schemes and Controls
Available Until
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $129
Recent fraud cases Common fraud schemes perpetrated by those within and outside victim organizations Consider the lessons learned Best practices to further our fraud prevention
Surgent's Fraud Risk Assessment Basics
Available Until
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $89
• Explain the expectation gap with financial statement users regarding the auditor’s responsibilities for preventing and detecting fraud • Fraud inquiries and engagement team discussion points • Identifying and responding to fraud risk on an audit • Testing journal entries and other tests for management override • Fraud communications
Surgent's Fundamentals of Public Charity Taxation and Form 990
Available Until
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $129
Organization and structure of Form 990 Form 990 and its various schedules Form 990 filing requirements The public support tests Taxation of unrelated business income Compensation-related reporting issues
Surgent's Gaining a Competitive Advantage: Critical Skills for CFOs and Controllers
Available Until
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $79
Latest state of the economy Expense control that works Understanding our changing workforce and working environment Financial risk analysis Enterprise risk management Improving bank relationships